The effectiveness of maternal and child health programs promoting healthy child growth and development depends upon the capacity of the health system to deliver a high-quality intervention. However, few health workers are trained in providing integrated early child- development services in rural areas. Building capacity entails not only training the frontline worker, but also mobilizing knowledge and support to promote early child development across the health system.

In order to improve the health and nutritional status of mothers and children in Talasari, Palaghar district, LTPCT conducted ‘Training of the Trainers’ technical skills in collaboration with local official government to AWWs, ASHAs & CDPOs on Infant & Young Child Nutrition to prevent malnutrition in mothers and children thereby preventing underweight, stunting & wasting. This training will bring about the overhaul changes in the generations old myths and cultural practices, which has resulted in poor nutrition among our mothers and children.
The Program objective is to enhance the knowledge level of health workers on Young Children Feeding Practices in Talasari-Palaghar district. LTPCT recognizes that there is a need to galvanize increased commitment and resources to building capacity in health systems to deliver early child-development services.
Supported by LT PCT, Community Health Centres are structured according to the services they offer, and have consultation, examination and procedure rooms, a medicine counter and pharmacy, diagnostic collection and storage space and a waiting hall. All centres function 6 days a week. Each L&T Health Centre is staffed by a Medical Officer, Medical Consultants, Qualified social worker / counsellor, Qualified paramedical and support staff. L&T's Health Centres are licensed as per the Government's mandate, e.g. registered PC & PNDT Act, Nursing Home Act.

Most L&T Health Centres offer consultation in mother-and-child care, adolescent health problems, lifestyle management diseases, dermatology, ophthalmology, neurology and psychiatry, orthopaedics, gastroenterology, physiotherapy, homeopathy, dental, diet consultation, pulmonary functioning and family counselling. L&T's Health Centres also support the Government in implementing health projects through the Public Private Partnership (PPP) approach and provide speciality consultations to the projects funded by the Company.
In addition, the CHCs enable:
- Public Private Partnership projects
- Diagnostic Services
- Surgical services
- Dialysis services
Learn more about L&T CHCs
Many areas in the Country, predominantly tribal and hilly areas, lack basic health care infrastructure limiting access to health services at present. Over the years, various initiatives have been taken to overcome this difficulty. Taking health care to the doorsteps is the principle behind this initiative and is intended to reach under-served areas in and around L&T business and growth centres.
The initiative of LTPCT started in September 2013. Today the Health on Wheels program has 13 vans covering 300 villages. The project aims to improve the health of the people in remote villages and hamlets, including school children, by enhancing health awareness, providing basic treatment for common ailments and linking them with existing Government healthcare services in and around our business and growth centres.

Services Offered
- OPD care services
- Information, education & communication to create awareness on personal hygiene, sanitation and nutrition
- Referrals to local Government hospitals and the L&T Community Health Centre
- Counselling
- Group meetings to create awareness on health and sanitation
- Follow-up services on immunization and non-communicable diseases
Health vans are monitored regularly to ensure effective utilization of services.
Improved performance in controlling emerging and re-emerging diseases in developing countries is dependent on the quality, equity and efficiency of health systems. It is critical to know how best to approach health system strengthening, and what specific actions are appropriate in different settings. Much is known about the barriers or constraints to greatly increasing (‘scaling up’) health services. However, remarkably little is known about how best to relax these constraints, whether through reformed service delivery strategies, or different human resource management policies, or new organizational structures.

Health research is a driving force for improving the performance of health systems and the health of individuals and populations. However, it is often a fragmented, competitive and highly specialised activity, with researchers in different disciplines often working in isolation.
LTPCT is geared to support evidence based research to inform policy makers on the need for policy changes.
As part of system strengthening, LTPCT also works with local govts. to improve infrastructure to deliver better health care.